I am Mihir Thosar. Although this website looks like a very poor attempt at bending over for a session of auto-fellatio, I hope to bend over just enough to avoid idiotic endeavors of mankind such as Chemistry and its study as a pure science, devices made by Apple and cars made by Mercedes-Benz.
This website hosts everything from improving the performance of Explosive Lenses to lifesaving pharmacopoeia like Etoposide and Doxorubicin, and from Fluid Mechanics and Financial physics to gas turbines and Quantum Engineering for ecological sciences and everything between. The point is to be as pointless as possible.
The hope and intent of this platform is to open-source as much technology as possible, to learn a few things along the way and share my experiences while also showcasing my newest endeavors like stand-up comedy and old stuff like writing short-stories. Nonetheless, you should look around and try to find something that interests you!
My lawyer told me that I must warn that trying, making or attempting most stuff on this website can end up with you being in deep shit, the E.R, the church or at a therapist (sometimes all the 4).
Regardless, I encourage you to be safe, follow rules and regulations and explore everything that interests you and send me an email if you like it!