Since the large debacle of what to name the aircraft, I have been thinking about the rationality, conventions, methodology , logic and semantics behind the naming things and the significance of the human condition.
It truly is a wonderful endeavor to name your aircraft. More so if all your mental bandwidth is being used up for multiple projects and academic endeavors and you have no help. Obviously, this seems like a great reason for why teams and collective effort exists. The reason is simple, to preserve your mental sanity. Surely, no sane person would try to do aerobatics with words and language while also trying to make aircrafts, processors, flight management systems and all the other ancillary systems that keep your aircraft, an object that can rationally still retain the designation of an aircraft without being called a missile.
Yes Mihir, you have used the aircraft can be a missile joke way too many times. Move on ahead, get to the core, FAST!
Sure, the whole point of this post though, is that there is no point. It is like the vanity cards that Chuck Lorre writes, there is no continuous fluent thought about this post. It is a mix of observations, thoughts and discourses and conversations I have had with everybody from my students to myself, while I stared blankly into a wall. The very core of this post is that there is no core; to this post (obviously), to an apple, the Earth and to life. All are just part of the magical forces of the universe and nothing exists and everything does at the same time. This post might just be the closest you are going to be to being stoned while being sober.
Definitively, there exists no framework for why we name things the way we do. In the large scale of things, names based on function, purpose, phenomenon, Gods, nature, places, dishes and animals are all a very small part of existence. The very rationality, psychology and principle behind naming things lies far deeper. It uncovers a large part of humanity’s shortfalls and ambivalences as well as its almost paradoxical nature of existence and living. Naming things has given me more introspection about how humans are dishonest to themselves than they are to their own partners, how unfaithful they can be to their hearts and minds (their hinds) than their own children and how malicious they can be to their existence and purpose than they can be to traffic laws in the middle of the night at a signal.
In all, the effort of effort and the effort of writing about the effort of effort is quite a complex and inherently suicidal task. The more you dig deep in the intertwining of existence and essence and how they are the only constants that actually define life (take note, virologists), the more you realize the fact that everything is pointless and yet everything still has a point.
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